Student Solution


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Week 7 Discussion Board (2)

Week 7 Discussion Board  (2)

Q This week we will evaluate managing integrated marketing communicationsand managing mass communications. We will learn about these two topics by analyzing them relative to the opioid crisis which has resulted in thousands of deaths across the U.S. This case study focuses on lawsuits filed in ohio and Oklahoma against Johson & Johson (J&J) and their distributors. While our focus will be on J&J, it is interesting that a key component of the law suit involves distributors –or in this class, what we know as the marketing channel. So the lawsuits are against J&J and J&J’s marketing channel. Please review three items: The 5 minute CBS News link to the right, the 60 minutes episode titled “Taking Aim at the Opioid Crisis” which aired late last month. The episode is about 15 minutes long. Please also read J&J’s official web page on opiods . Please answer the following: 1. Table 14.1 shows the Eight Common Communication Platforms. Evaluate J&J against this table and Identify J&J’s marketing communication mix (which of the 8 do they use and how does this create a unified message). How does J&J need to adjust each of the elements that you have identified to address the lawsuits which are being covered extensively in the news? For example, what personal selling training might J&J conduct with their pharmaceutical sales reps to equip them to handle the criticisms they might face on their sales calls. 2. Table 15.5 identifies major tools in Marketing PR. What tools are J&J using (provide evidence other than the web site link provided above), and evaluate the effectiveness of the tools thus far (are they working? Not working, why?). 3. The last question is an opinion question—do you believe J&J’s brand reputation will be intact after these lawsuits are settled?

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Personal selling can be important and required for many companies in the present situation as well as for future situations to initiate and implement (Kotler & Keller, 2016). The overall sales performance measured after personal selling is done can be the basis for understanding the effectiveness of personal selling (Peterson, 2020). This is because there can be differences observed in the sales percentages when personal selling methods are adopted by organizations.